
This is Love…

..Not that we loved God but that He loved us!
This next week is all about the expressions of love.
On Sunday, we begin with Valentine’s Day. Cards, candy, and flowers are shared so that we can outwardly express the love that exists within our hearts.
On Wednesday, we move to the first day of Lent. It begins our journey through the passion of Christ – the love story that reveals the depths that our Lord goes through to save us from sin, death, and the devil. From our Lenten journey, we once again remember that love is initiated by God… love defines His nature. And as His children, He calls us to pass along His love.
The season of Lent ends on Maundy Thursday – in that upper room, Jesus gave us a new commandment to share His great love with one another.
At the heart of our LeadaChild mission is the commitment to share the love of Jesus with children through Christian education. As you spend time remembering the passion story of Christ, join us through the expressions of prayer and giving to pass along HIs love to the children we serve.
Dr. Phil