…and when He saw that they were making headway painfully, for the wind was against them… He came to them, walking on the water… “Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid.” (Mark chapter 6)
The last 18 months of this pandemic have certainly hit us with strong wind and waves that seem to keep us from accomplishing God’s mission plans. Like the disciples, it’s easy to take our eyes off of Jesus and focus on the storms that “make headway painful.”
Like the disciples who had forgotten the miraculous feeding of 5000 the day before, it’s easy for us to forget the past and how God has provided everything we’ve needed to accomplish what He has called us to do.
This account from Mark 6 is a great reminder to…
…remember yesterday and His faithfulness to provide what was needed at the time…
… realize that Jesus is always with us and He has authority over the wind and waves, and…
… rejoice, knowing that He will give us everything we need to accomplish the tasks at hand.
Over, the past two weeks, I shared this small devotional thought with each of our LeadaChild national directors in the countries where we support educational project sites. This pandemic has been extremely challenging for many of them; yet, it is a great encouragement to see how they are focusing on Christ and His provisions. Please keep all of our leaders, teachers, and children in your prayers… and together, let’s watch how God carries us through these unique winds and onward to the fulfillment of HIs mission plans for us!
Dr. Phil