A strong finish makes all the difference. The fourth quarter of a football game… or a basketball contest… or the last leg of a mile relay determine the final outcome.
Our Lord’s ‘fourth quarter’ was on the cross. When all seemed lost and defeat looked imminent, Jesus slayed sin, death, and the devil and won the victory for us… His resurrection was the proof!
Throughout life we have many fourth quarters; and, it’s a joy to see how our good Lord provides what we need to see us through to the finish. When we look back at those times and seasons in life, we praise God for His care and provision.
October begins our financial fourth quarter at LeadaChild. The fourth quarter donations we receive are used to kick off the new year of strong support for our international project sites. The fourth quarter of 2023 donations set us up to fulfill our mission of sharing Jesus’ love with children throughout the upcoming year of 2024.
Keep an eye out for our annual Christmas card and request for year-end giving coming right after Thanksgiving. Consider helping us finish strong in our fourth quarter … so that those we serve can receive needed vital support and join us in thanking God for His wonderful provisions.
Dr. Phil