
See What Kind of Love The Father Has…

… that We Should Be Called Children of God.
During this season of ‘Valentines,’ expressions of love are shown through bouquets of flowers, boxes of chocolates, and dinners at nice restaurants. They are simple actions and events to say “you are loved.”
Throughout God’s Word, we hear of a God who loves us, and the expressions of His tremendous love are seen through His provisions, protection, and redemption.
All these actions are available for all the world (for God so loved the world..). However, they become very personal and ‘real’ when we grasp the meaning of 1John 3:1: His loving actions creates faith in our hearts, making us His dear children… in this life and in the life to come.
We thank God that many children who attend one of the schools and afternoon school project sites that LeadaChild supports are learning about the wonderful expressions of God’s love… and coming to realize the blessing of being called a child of God!
Dr. Phil