No one is in heaven today because someone was silent;
Everyone in heaven is there because someone told them about Jesus.
Pastor Breum, St. Mark Lutheran Church
It’s true, the Gospel (the Good News) is meant to be spoken out loud.
Jesus began His ministry by telling His disciples that they would become fishers of men…He completed HIs time with them by directing them to “Go, and make disciples.”… and in between, He gave them the words to speak – words of truth, forgiveness, and faith in Christ that lead to eternal life.
At the heart of our LeadaChild mission is “sharing the love of Jesus.” It happens when children are cared for, when they receive a quality education… but most importantly – when they hear about a Heaven Father who is their creator and provider, about a Son named Jesus who is their Redeemer, and about a Spirit who fills their hearts with faith, hope, and everlasting life.
Help us continue the work of sharing the Good News of Jesus with children all around the world. Your prayers, partnership, and donations are all part of “going and making disciples!”
Dr. Phil