Test User

In The Meantime…

“Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:11) If I had been with the disciples at Christ’s ascension, I think I would have done a lot of looking up, keeping an eye on the sky for Christ’s return. His […]

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Eternal Spring

The water that I will give you will become in you a spring of water welling up to eternal life               (John 4: 14) Springtime has arrived. The bitter cold has been replaced with warm afternoons. The gray stale landscape is transforming into a myriad of colors and aromatic […]

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The Week That Changed The World

Next week is Holy Week – history’s most important week. In fact, over half of the combined four Gospels focus on this paramount period in the life of Christ. It is the culmination of our Savior’s wonderful work of redemption. As God’s children we will spend time pondering, reflecting and rejoicing over those days: Palm […]

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Roses and Thorns

February 14, 2024: Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday – roses and thorns… a very unique intersection of the ways that love is demonstrated. The soft, beautiful petals of the roses are given to express love to another person; the thorns of the crown of Jesus remind us of the suffering and death that Christ endured […]

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Fourth Quarter!

Finishing Strong A strong finish makes all the difference. The fourth quarter of a football game… or a basketball contest… or the last leg of a mile relay determine the final outcome. Our Lord’s ‘fourth quarter’ was on the cross. When all seemed lost and defeat looked imminent, Jesus slayed sin, death, and the devil […]

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From The Field

Martin Luther Primary School, Bo, Sierra Leone, West Africa The teachers and leadership in Sierra Leone are making great progress in their efforts to create a model Lutheran school that provides a quality education in a Gospel-filled environment. My August trip focused on teacher workshops and modeling an actual classroom room experience so that we […]

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Heirs of Heaven

“The Spirit Himself bears witness that we are children of God… and fellow heirs with Christ” Romans 8:16&17 A slave was someone who was never considered to be one who might receive an inheritance from the master. They were merely seen as property to accomplish tasks for their owner. Slaves had no real hope for […]

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Therefore Encourage One Another…

…and build one another up The Apostle Paul prompted the Thessalonians to be encouragers… probably because their fellow Christians needed to be encouraged! Those who were part of the developing church in Thessalonica experienced significant trials and challenges. God’s gifts of fellowship – prayer, and time spent together in His Word with brothers and sisters […]

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No Doubt

“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe” John 20:29 When Thomas saw Jesus and touched His hands and side, he fell down and worshiped Him as his Lord and God. From that point on (by the strength of the Holy Spirit) Thomas boldly shared the Good News of Jesus as a faithful […]

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Spring Forward

“Behold, I make all things new!” When seeds “die’ in the soil, they remarkably create new spring plants, adorned with color and flowers. By His death and resurrection, Jesus made it possible for new life to spring up in the lives of countless believers… and through the life-giving Word, the Spirit adorns many hearts with […]

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