As the new school year began, teachers spent the first few days getting all of the students to focus on the educational tasks at hand. The attentiveness of a room full of students returning from summer vacation is often sporadic! Thoughts of swimming, visiting
family, amusement parks, and sleeping in are still busily meandering around in the minds of these young ones… math computation and grammar are not given precedence! A teacher’s task is to bring the room full of learners together into a cohesive unit so that they can experience academic success.
So, being a teacher at heart, I enjoy sharing directions, goals, and objectives … and watching a diverse group of learners come together to accomplish great things.
It’s the same with our LeadaChild mission. We have pastors, principals, teachers, church members, organizations, international educators, and missionaries all working together on behalf of our ministry; and with such a diverse group, it’s easy to be distracted from the mission at hand – which is to “share the love of Jesus with children around the world through Christian education.” LeadaChild is all about the wonderful temporal blessing of receiving a positive Christian education and the greater eternal blessing of hearing about the promises of new life in Christ and receiving the gift of faith.
Therefore, in the days leading up to the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and our 50th anniversary of this ministry, we will be busy “teachers,” working diligently to gather all of our tremendous supporters and dedicated workers around the clear direction that we believe God wants our mission to travel for the sake of the Gospel and the welfare of children around the world. Join us in prayer, spending time in God’s Word, and watching our faithful God light up our clear path (Psalm 119:105)!
Jesus, the one who gives each of us the victory!
LeadaChild is a Recognized Service Organization of the LCMS