
Resurrection Month!

As the calendar turns from March to April, many folks realize that the six extra weeks of winter prophesied by Punxsutawney Phil are past and warmer weather is here. We Christians also love the spring temps, but I think there is something even greater that warms the blood in our hearts and veins: the resurrection!

Except for the rare times when Easter falls in March (when you might need to

accessorize your Easter outfit with snow boats and mittens), the celebration of Christ’s resurrection is an April event.

During the six weeks of Lent, we have been reflecting on the reality of our challenges with sin, death, and the devil. We have heard the passion story of Christ as He heads toward Jerusalem and the cross at Golgotha, carrying our sin on His shoulders. We are completely quiet as Christ does all the work of salvation on Good Friday.

Then comes the resurrection! He is risen! The Father has received the redeeming work of the Son; the resurrection is our sure proof. By His wounds we are healed, and new life is offered to all who believe and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
My favorite part of the Biblical resurrection account is the reaction of Christ’s disciples and friends when they realize the reality of Christ’s victory over death. They can’t sit still! They are off and running (I wonder how quickly the two ran back from Emmaus after their face to face encounter with the risen Lord!). They can’t wait to run and tell others about what they have seen and heard.

Just like the first disciples, we too are excited on Easter morning when we arrive to the smell of lilies and the sound of victory music wafting through the church. This year, let that awe and excitement coarse through your veins and send your feet running out to tell others about the Good News found in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Our ministry, LeadaChild, aims to do just that. We desire to reach as many children (and their families) as possible with the Gospel message. Join us on our mission so that the joy you experience every April can be spread worldwide, offering hope and salvation to people everywhere!

Blessed to be a blessing,


LeadaChild is a Recognized Service Organization of the LCMS

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