
See What Kind of Love The Father Has…

… that We Should Be Called Children of God. During this season of ‘Valentines,’ expressions of love are shown through bouquets of flowers, boxes of chocolates, and dinners at nice restaurants. They are simple actions and events to say “you are loved.” Throughout God’s Word, we hear of a God who loves us, and the […]

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…Equipping The Saints…

… for Building up The Body of Christ… Before declaring the Great Commission to His disciples, Jesus spent a significant amount of time equipping them for the mission task ahead. He spent time with them, taught them, encouraged and exhorted them, debriefed with them after their mission experiences, prayed with them and for them. He […]

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We Thank God… For You!

I Thank God every time I remember you… because of your partnership in the Gospel… (Philippians 1:3-5) During this harvest season , we glance back and once again realize that God is with us and actively providing for us; He is the great provider. We ask, He gives us our daily bread, and we respond […]

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God Loves The World…

...God Loves you!  As we continue in our mission of sharing the love of Jesus with many children through the gift of Christian education, here are some encouraging words from Pastor Matthew Richardt on the expanse of God’s great love: The Gospel of John has more occurrences of the word “love” than Matthew, Mark, and […]

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Go to All Nations…

… Make Disciples When Christopher Columbus arrived in the Americas, he landed in the Dominican Republic. From there, the Gospel began to spread throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America. Our Lutheran church body has been developing a ‘hub’ in Palmar Aribba (near Santiago) in order to prepare pastors, deaconesses, and teachers in the great […]

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Step by Step

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path The gift of faith can come in an instant. The Holy Spirit works… and we believe. The Holy Spirit is the agent of grace; we are the blessed recipients. However, the process of discipleship takes time. The Spirit, working through the Word, […]

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One Sows…

… Another Reaps During my morning walk, I pass by this field that is ready to be harvested. It reminds me of our Lord’s words to HIs disciples recorded in John 4 regarding the ripe fields, the need for workers, and the phrase “one sows and another reaps” (vs. 37) In the field of Christian […]

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Teach Us to Pray

Our Father…             What a privilege to carry everything to God in Prayer An important way to share the love of Jesus with children is to teach them how to pray: meal prayers, group prayers, singing prayers… praying for themselves and others. Prayer makes our unique faith relationship with God […]

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So That…

  All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (II Timothy 3:16-17) My wife often uses the phrase: “so that….” She likes to get things done ‘so that’ we are well-prepared for upcoming events […]

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Light… Bursting Forth!

The Lord is my light and my salvation (Psalm 27:1) On Good Friday, Jesus gave His life to rescue us from sin, death, and the devil. While He hung on the cross, the sun refused to shine and darkness surrounded the earth. But, three days later, the Light of the World burst forth from the […]

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