

During my trip to Guatemala at the beginning of November, I had the chance to taste a new dish: Fiambre. It’s prepared by several family members on November 1st to celebrate the gift of family (past and present). They share in the preparing, the serving, and the enjoying of this diverse delicacy. November is a […]

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…A Children’s Story I saw this statue at the arboretum in Overland Park, KS; it reminds me of the redemption story (from an old Catechism supplement book) that I share during our teacher training sessions with our international teachers. Here’s the Reader’s Digest version: A boy makes a beautiful wooden boat; when he takes it […]

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He Strengthens – Philippians 4:13 Walking down the street in Comayaguala, Honduras where Tulio Meza leads his after school program for the children in his neighborhood, I was busy looking down and carefully watching my steps to avoid any small children, misplaced articles, or stray dogs. At the end of the street, I looked up […]

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A Team Effort

…. Collaborating with Fellow Workers “Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together… encouraging one another all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24-25) These verses are often used to encourage Christians to regularly attend church so that they gather […]

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Outside, Looking In

Opening Doors for Children When we arrived at Resurrection Lutheran School in Gualan, we saw these two children from the neighborhood… on the outside, looking in. The students of the school were all assembled for a special program on Valentine’s Day. The theme for the day was 1Corinthians 13: God’s great love for us. The […]

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I Love to Tell The Story

“… of Jesus and His Love.” Holy Week draws our attention to the walk that Jesus took from His Palm Sunday entrance, to the cross… and out of the tomb. This week, we see the extent of our Lord’s great love for us: to live, to suffer and die, and to rise again so that […]

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Through the Fire

  Pictured is the cross at the new mission center in Valparaiso, Chile. In 2014, a forest fire erupted on the edge of the city. It quickly spread into the neighborhood on the adjacent hillside, taking lives and destroying over 500 homes. As the Lutheran church of Chile responded (with the aid of LCMS disaster […]

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Sharing the love of Jesus

“… and we like helping you.” I received this note from a Lutheran school student. This year, his class has been doing special projects to collect funds for our project sites in Panama. His school has also been collecting some of their chapel offerings for LeadaChild. In February, we celebrate love. The cards, flowers, and […]

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Agua Pura

One of the first things we locate when traveling through Latin America is “agua pura:” clean, pure, bottled water.  It is a staple of our diet so that we remain healthy throughout the trip. Drinking tap water may create some very unpleasant consequences!  Pure water is a precious commodity. During this time in the season of Epiphany, […]

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Good News Has Arrived!

Our theme for LeadaChild this year has been “Good News has a Name… Jesus!” It echoes the angel’s message to the shepherds that “Good News” had arrived in Bethlehem. At the heart of our mission in international Christian education is this Good News – who Jesus is and what He has accomplished for all mankind. […]

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